Arriving at "The Joe":

Welcome to the McDaid Family website. This is our little place on the web for keeping in touch with family and friends. We'll try to keep you up-to-date with our adventures and random thoughts. - Troy, Heidi, Nathan & Allison McDaid
One of Nathan's projects was a sculpture of a face... (reminds me of the Gum Gum.. Dumb Dumb guy in Night At The Museum). The other picture is Allison posing below a shadow drawing of herself singing with a microphone. Her teach did one of these shadows of a few of the kids to hang in the gym during the concert.
Nathan, Allison, and Reygan after the hunt...
Our annual Easter photo of the kids on the deck with Zoe (nice snow...)
Casually celebrating a goal against East GR....
Breaking out of the zone against Holland...
One of the highlights during the Van Andel Jamboree was getting to see Darren McCarty and Jonathan Erickson in the dressing room. Jonathan had visited one of Nathan's practices last year so Nate likes to keep tabs on him. He got called up to the Red Wings a couple weeks later and McCarty is up with them now. Go Wings!