Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Nathan's first baseball game...

Nathan had is first game of the season tonight. He plays for the Royals. The bats were hot but the gloves and arms weren't. We had some trouble getting the other team out a couple times. But everyone had a good time and for some reason we got ice cream after the game (it was only about 50 degrees out!) Nathan got to bat twice and had two nice hits right up the middle. He played P and 2B. Here are a couple pictures... pictures of Ally's game coming soon!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Allison got her recital dress...

There's one thing I've learned over the course of three years of Allison taking dance lessons...the dress is as important as the dance (or so I think we're being led to believe). At any rate, Allison seems to like her dress for this year's recital.

And why would you wear a dress if you're not going to twirl?!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Ball field, sweet ball field (our home away from home)...

Now that the weather has broke, it's time to lace up the cleats and hit the diamond. A new twist this year is that both Nathan AND Allison are playing ball. Nathan didn't play last year and is in the last year of machine pitch. This is Allison's first year in T-ball. They both seem to be having a blast and Mom and Dad get to spend some quality time at the little league fields. But I'm not complaining... at least we'll get to be home one night during the week :-)