July 12th was the Second Annual Pettibone Heights Karaoke Party up north. For some reason, it's been disguised as a birthday party (last year for Michelle and this year for Nick) both times but the highlight has been when Pameoke (a local lady named Pam with karaoke equipment) shows up, the tunes start cranking, and the drinks start flowing. It seems like almost everyone took their turn "on stage" belting out songs in almost every musical genre from country, to rap, to rock, to hip hop, to ???.
At Bob's request, there was a karaoke "battle of the sexes" with the guys facing off against the girls. The guys chose to perform Poison - Talk Dirty To Me, Great White - Once Bitten Twice Shy, and Eminem - Without Me (the clincher). The girls did Shenia Twain - Man, I Feel Like A Woman, a second song that escapes me, and Salt-N-Pepa - Shoop. With Pameoke being the impartial judge, the guys won again this year. But don't worry girls, you've got a year to sharpen your act for next year. And Pameoke promised to bring a prize for the winner next year.
Unfortunately, our pictures of the evening are somewhat limited so I'd love to have you all send us any pictures you have from that night. Maybe we'll put them into an online photo album and link to them from this posting so everyone can see them. Here are a few that we do have along with a couple videos that are worth noting. As always, click on the picture to enlarge. And Angie, don't worry...the Faster Pussycat CD is in the mail (the '80's rocked!) :-)
Who Let The Dogs Out!!

"The Girls" rockin' out...

"The Guys" putting the proverbial "nail in the coffin" with a rendition of Eminem - Without Me (shirtless at Scott's suggestion)...

The whole group having a good ole time dancin' & drinkin'...

Allison's dance routine that she did to almost every song for about 2 hours straight...
Bubba & Papa Weiss taking thier turn on stage... What A Wonderful World
Keith, Angie, and Reygan gettin' down...
Hope everyone can make it back up for next year. We'd like to keep the fun going.