Today was Allison's "friend" birthday party (and thankfully, the last of the birthday party barrage for this year). She invited some of her friends and cousins to Paint-A-Pot in Holland to dress up in princess dresses, paint some pottery, and eat some cake and ice cream. Our old neighbors Hanna & Maddie were there. So were Marissa and Kaylynne from school. Cousins Breanna, Reygan, Zachary, and Nick came. And of course Nathan would never miss a good princess party!
The room was a bit warm and cramped but the kids didn't seem to mind. I can't divulge what the kids painted (there may be some secret gifts in there!). But most of the paint got on the pottery. They also got to create their own tiaras (crowns) with jewels. For some reason, Nick didn't want any pink jewels on his crown... he's so fashion conscious...he he he. Thanks to all who were able to make it! Happy Birthday once again Ally!

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