Labor Day marked a long weekend of R&R up at Pettibone Lake. And like every other year, the
Camp Bob Rodeo was going on right around the corner from the lake. What was different this year is we decided what the heck...let's check it out. We've been up there 2 or 3 years in a row and have never gone to the rodeo. It ended up being pretty fun. The kids loved seeing all the animals (mostly the horses and bulls). Nathan even went down into the arena for a kids "shoe" race. Allison was too slow and indecisive to do it. We ended up getting some can coolers, a poster, and an interesting night of people watching. Both kids got to ride a pony (and lobbied for going horseback riding down the road this fall). And, believe it or not, Pammeoke was there (the lady from our karaoke party...see post below from July 12). Here are a few pictures from the evening festivities.

Nice Hat!
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