Sunday, February 28, 2010

Skiing & Snowboarding at Cannonsburg

The whole family (and Nate's friend) went skiing/snowboarding at Cannonsburg today. We arrived at opening (9am) and were on the slopes until a little after 3pm with the exception of a quick lunch. It was a perfect day... the snow was good (though a bit slushy) and it wasn't too cold or too crowded. I actually got to use the snowboard I got for Christmas last year and really got the hang of carving. After a few times down the beginner hill (including Ally going through the slalom course, we headed to the chair lift and the terrain park. We even did our fair share of jumps. Nathan's friend Jonas joined us today and we spent the majority of the day going down the intermediate and terrain park runs. They have all sorts and sizes of rails, boxes, and jumps. The courage award goes to Ally for refusing to leave until she went over the "barrel jump". That's about a 6 foot high jump at the end of the terrain park with a couple barrels stacked on top of it. She tried to go over it about three times and kept getting scared and slowing down too much so she'd get just about to the top of it and slide back down. That happened on our last run of the day and she was a "bit upset" so we took our ski's/snowboard off and walked back up the hill a ways so she could try it one last time. This time she was determined and didn't slow down at all... I'd explain it all but Heidi had the camera rolling so we'll let the video do the talking. I say she landed it and then got her ski sideways... you be the judge. After the video ends, she looked over at me... I was expecting a trademark Allison McDaid scream of terror. Instead she was screaming "I DID IT!!!!" What a fun day...

Ally's Huge Ski Jump

Nathan's Snowboard Jump

Ally and Dad at the chair lift
Nate & Jonas...
Nate & Jonas...
Troy at end of run...

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